jue, 07 dic
|KJK Productions Submission Page
“Aladdin Jr” Play Tryouts - Video Auditions Due by Dec 7th
K-2 Students do not need to audition and will be part of the chorus. 3-5 Students can submit a video audition by Dec 7th Rehearsals all school days- Jan 8-19th: K-2 is 3:30-4:30p 3-5 is 3:30-6:00p Show Jan 20th $40 Participation Fee due Jan 7th. Discount for Parent who volunteer 6+ days
Horario y Ubicación
07 dic 2023, 9:00 – 23:59
KJK Productions Submission Page
Acerca del evento
Trinity Families,
We're excited to announce our school play process is beginning! Our play is Aladdin Jr.
¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar que nuestro proceso de juego escolar está comenzando! Nuestra obra es Aladdin Jr.
Try-out videos are due December 7th. A flyer is attached with more info. There is a short video (no sound) to show how to upload the try-out video.
Los videos de prueba deben entregarse el 7 de diciembre. Se adjunta un folleto con más información. Hay un vídeo corto (sin sonido) que muestra cómo subir el vídeo de prueba.
Link to register your student for the play
Link to pay the contribution fee
Try-out Video How-to
As time allows, more information about the play will be shared at our PTA meeting on December 6th in the Trinity library.
A medida que el tiempo lo permita, se compartirá más información sobre la obra en nuestra reunión de la PTA el 7 de diciembre en la biblioteca de Trinity.
Thank you,
Trinity PTA